(1) Being an effective parent advocate = PREPARATION. Always
go to the IEP meeting as prepared as possible. If you feel that your child's
IEP meeting was rushed, you can meet again with the IEP
team. You do not have to sign the IEP document at the meeting. Don't feel pressured. If you have any
hesitation, tell your team you need more time to review everything. You also
have the right to receive copies of all assessments and IEP goal progress
reports to review prior to the meeting so that you are fully prepared for the meeting. Be sure to put your request in writing.
(2) Parents often feel frustrated with a lack of communication
about how their child is doing in school. As a parent, be actively involved in
monitoring and observing your child's progress. Parents also reported that the
more involved they are at school, the better
the communication is, as well as (Read more....)